Discovering connections that matter
Paternity Testing

Paternity Tests are our most popular relationship test offered. Paternity tests are needed for immigration, custody disputes, inheritance, and just for peace of mind. Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we can customize your paternity testing experience to fit your personal needs.

Are you testing multiple children? Are there multiple alleged fathers? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Is the child still in the mother’s womb? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can work with medical doctors to acquire amniotic fluid from the womb to obtain a DNA profile from the child at just 12 weeks in utero.

Do you need legal documentation to establish the paternity? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Is the alleged father or child deceased? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC is in the process of recertification by the prestigious ASCLD-LAB International Accreditation, and our cutting-edge technology and innovation in this field allow us to obtain DNA profiles from the personal effects of the deceased at a much higher success rate than most current technology. We can also work with the medical examiner’s offices to acquire samples from the recently deceased.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We require a 99.96% probability of paternity to include, with an index of 25 times higher than what the most stringent paternity testing standard requires. We have routinely utilized well above the 15 standard markers used in most paternity laboratories to answer questions involving mutations and close relatives, and we do this AT OUR COST. That’s right, we don’t charge you a dime for any extra testing. Are you the mother of the child who wants to be included in the paternity test? At the DRL, the mother tests for free in a paternity trio—all this to bring you the highest quality results at a competitive cost you can afford. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Paternity Services Offered

  • Immigration Testing
  • Standard Dual Paternity (Alleged Father + Child)
  • Standard Trio Paternity (Alleged Father + Child + Mother)
  • Simultaneous Paternity + Maternity Testing (Alleged Father + Child + Alleged Mother)
  • Forensic Paternity
  • Prenatal Paternity
  • Unknown Remains / Missing Persons
  • Non-Legal Paternity Testing (Peace of Mind)
Maternity Testing

Maternity tests are often needed for immigration purposes or identification of cases of unknown remains / missing persons.

Are you testing multiple children? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Does the embassy require paternity and maternity testing together? We can perform simultaneous paternity and maternity tests at significantly less cost to you than if you were performing these tests separately.

Do you need legal documentation establishing the maternity? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Is the child deceased? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC is also an accredited forensic laboratory carrying the prestigious ASCLD-LAB International Accreditation, and our cutting-edge technology and innovation in this field allow us to obtain DNA profiles from personal effects or remains of the deceased at a much higher success rate than most current technology. We can also work with Medical Examiner’s offices to acquire samples from the recently deceased or work with police departments to acquire and test unknown remains you think may be your missing son or daughter.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We require a 99.96% probability of maternity to include, with an index of 25 times higher than what the most stringent maternity testing standard requires. We have routinely utilized well above the 15 standard markers used in most paternity laboratories to answer questions involving mutations and close relatives, and we do this AT OUR COST. That’s right; we don’t charge you a dime for any extra testing—all this is to bring you the highest quality results at a competitive cost you can afford. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Maternity Services Offered

  • Immigration Testing
  • Standard Duo Maternity (Alleged Mother + Child)
  • Standard Trio Maternity (Alleged Mother + Child + Father)
  • Simultaneous Paternity + Maternity Testing (Alleged Father + Child + Alleged Mother)
  • Forensic Maternity
  • Unknown Remains / Missing Persons
  • Non-Legal Maternity Testing (Piece of Mind)
Siblingship Testing

Siblingship tests are often needed for immigration purposes and resolution of inheritance or are performed when testing against the mother or father is simply not possible.

Are you testing multiple siblings? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually. We will then cross-compare each sibling to one another to help establish links between two or more siblings.

Are you married, and does the embassy require a siblingship test to be performed on you and your spouse? Does the embassy request a siblingship to be performed between you and your brothers or sisters? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC works with embassies to acquire and test these samples.

Do you need legal documentation establishing the siblingship? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Are one of the alleged siblings deceased? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC is also an accredited forensic laboratory. Our cutting-edge technology and innovation in this field allow us to obtain DNA profiles from personal effects or remains of the deceased at a much higher success rate than most current technology. We can also work with Medical Examiner’s offices to acquire samples from the recently deceased or work with police departments to acquire and test unknown remains you think may be your missing sibling.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We utilize siblingship indexes, likelihood ratios, and kinship tests to establish a likelihood of sibling relatedness and utilize statistical methods recommended by the AABB. We perform this three-part statistical analysis to help us see the statistics from every angle, allowing us to deliver a more accurate result.

We have and routinely utilized well over the 15 standard markers used in most laboratories that perform siblingship. We test these additional markers when necessary to provide us with more information, and we do this AT OUR COST. That’s right; we don’t charge you a dime for any extra testing—all this is to bring you the highest quality results at a competitive cost you can afford. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Siblingship Services Offered

  • Standard Siblingship Testing (Sibling 1 + Sibling 2)
  • Complex Siblingship Analysis (More than 2 Siblings Tested)
  • Prenatal Siblingship (Sibling 1 from Amniotic Fluid + Sibling 2)
  • Forensic Siblingship
  • Unknown Remains / Missing Persons
  • Non-Legal Siblingship Testing (Peace of Mind)

*Not governed by AABB standards

Grandparentage Testing

Grandparentage tests are often needed for legal purposes when the alleged father is deceased or unwilling to test and/or the grandparents of the child would like to establish their biological relationship with the child for legal purposes.

Due to the nature of the test, we ask that both of the alleged father’s parents (grandparents) be tested along with the child and the mother of the child to provide you with the most accurate result. We understand this is not always possible, so we do offer single-grandparent testing with the child and the mother, and we can also test the child and both grandparents when the mother is not available.

Are you testing multiple children? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Do you need legal documentation establishing the grandparentship? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We require a 99% probability of grandparentage to include, with an index equivalent to that of the most stringent standards. We have routinely utilized well above the 15 standard markers used in most paternity laboratories to answer questions involving cases where we can not exclude but do not obtain a high enough index to establish grandparentage, and we do this AT OUR COST. That’s right; we don’t charge you a dime for any extra testing—all this is to bring you the highest quality results at a competitive cost you can afford. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Grandparentage Services Offered

  • Full Grandparentage Test (Alleged Father’s Father + Alleged Father’s Mother + Child + Mother)
  • Full Grandparentage Test (Alleged Mother’s Father + Alleged Mother’s Mother + Child + Father)
  • Single Grandparentage Test (Alleged Father’s Father or Mother + Child + Mother)
  • Single Grandparentage Test (Alleged Mother’s Father or Mother + Child + Father)
  • Motherless Grandparentage Test (Alleged Father’s Father + Alleged Father’s Mother + Child)
  • Fatherless Grandparentage Test (Alleged Mother’s Father + Alleged Mother’s Mother + Child)
  • Non-Legal Grandparentage Testing (Piece of Mind)
Aunt/Uncleship Testing

Aunt/Uncleship tests are often needed for legal purposes when the alleged father or mother is deceased or unwilling to test and/or the aunt/uncle of the child would like to establish their biological relationship with the child for legal purposes. We also can perform uncleship tests in cases of paternity when there are multiple alleged fathers who happen to be brothers.

Due to the nature of the test, we ask that the alleged aunt or uncle who has an alleged biological link to the child be tested along with the child and the mother of the child (or father if the aunt/uncle is related to the child through the mother) to provide you with the most accurate result.

Are you testing multiple children? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Do you need legal documentation establishing the aunt/uncleship? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We require a 99% probability of aunt/uncleship to include, with an index equivalent to that of the most stringent standards. We have routinely utilized well above the 15 standard markers used in most paternity laboratories to answer questions involving cases where we can not exclude but do not obtain a high enough index to establish aunt/uncleship, and we do this AT OUR COST. That’s right; we don’t charge you a dime for any extra testing—all this is to bring you the highest quality results at a competitive cost you can afford. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Aunt/Uncleship Services Offered

  • Auntship Testing (Alleged Father’s Sister + Child + Mother)
  • Auntship Testing (Alleged Mother’s Sister + Child + Father)
  • Uncleship Testing (Alleged Father’s Brother + Child + Mother)
  • Uncleship Testing (Alleged Mother’s Brother + Child + Father)
  • Non-Legal Uncle/Auntship Testing (Piece of Mind)
Familial Reconstruction

Familial Reconstructions are often complex and utilize multiple facets of the relationship services we offer to answer a bigger question than one simple direct biological link. These tests often utilize forensic tests or combinations of relationship and paternity tests to establish a link from one relative to another and need to involve the testing of three or more people to establish a link.

Due to the nature of the test, we ask that you contact us directly with questions about familial reconstruction because each case is individual, and we have to ensure that all parties required will be available for testing. DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Do you need legal documentation establishing the familial reconstruction? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We have routinely utilized well above the 15 standard markers used in most paternity laboratories to answer questions involving cases where we can not exclude but do not obtain a high enough index to establish a relationship, and we do this AT OUR COST. That’s right; we don’t charge you a dime for any extra testing—all this is to bring you the highest quality results at a competitive cost you can afford. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Twin Zygosity

Twin Zygosity studies are performed in instances where twins are born, and the parents and doctors can not determine if the twins are fraternal (two separate sperm fertilize two separate eggs) or identical (egg splitting after fertilization). A routine DNA test on both twins can quickly determine the answer to this question.

Do you have triplets or other multiples? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Do you need legal documentation establishing the twin zygosity? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing your case as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most accurate answer possible. Extra testing we perform comes at NO COST TO YOU. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

Twin Zygosity Services Offered

  • Standard Twin Zygosity Test
  • Triplets and Multiples Zygosity Test
Prenatal Paternity/Relationship Testing

If you are pregnant and would like to establish paternity of the unborn child, you may want to consider a prenatal paternity test. The test could be performed after 12 weeks of gestation, depending on one of the procedures described below.

Prenatal paternity testing is designed to establish paternity of an unborn child. The testing compares DNA samples from the mother, alleged father, and unborn child to establish the parentage of the unborn child.

DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can work directly with your current physician or assist you in finding a physician in your area.

DNA REFERENCE LAB INC establishes prenatal paternity by utilizing three different methods.

Benefits of the Procedure

Early detection. There are two procedures: Amniocentesis (12–21 weeks) and CVS (12-16 weeks).

  1. Amniocentesis. An OB/GYN will collect amniotic fluid containing fetal cells from the unborn child’s sac. DNA will be isolated from the amniotic fluid and compared to the mother’s and alleged father’s DNA.
  2. CVS. An OB/GYN will collect chorionic villi (CVS) from the placenta. DNA will be extracted from the CVS and compared to the mother’s and alleged father’s DNA.

    Late detection. Maternal circulating fetal cells (16–22 weeks)

  3. Noninvasive procedures using maternal circulating fetal cells (research use only).

The procedure is valid only in cases of a first-time pregnancy. Blood (40–50 mls) will be collected from the mother and a buccal swab from the alleged father. Fetal circulating cells will be isolated from the mother’s blood, and extracted DNA will be compared to the mother’s and alleged father’s DNA.

DNA Banking

DNA banking involves the collection of an individual’s DNA sample and profile for storage and information purposes, which will be utilized at a later date. The military may require a soldier to be tested as part of a routine procedure. A parent may want their child to be tested if, in the future, the unthinkable may happen and DNA identification is required.

Do you want the family DNA banked? Do you just need the profiles? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can test as many people as necessary to fit your needs at a significantly lower cost than testing each person individually.

Do you need legal documentation to establish the DNA profile? DNA REFERENCE LAB INC provides legal documentation establishing our results as valid in a United States Court or Embassy.

Here at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC, we will not cease testing until we give you the most complete result possible. We offer price matching nationwide to other AABB-accredited labs. Because we are AABB accredited, you can be ensured that every standard is followed to ensure you receive the highest quality result possible.

DNA Banking Services Offered

  • Single Individual DNA Banking Test
  • Multiple Individual DNA Banking Test
Profile Databasing

Profile Databasing involves the storage of a DNA profile and sample at DNA REFERENCE LAB INC for a set amount of time.

DNA REFERENCE LAB INC can store your DNA sample and obtain your DNA profile for the length of time you specify

We store all profile databasing DNA samples in secure -80 degree C freezers designed to protect the sample indefinitely from environmental degradation and loss of the sample due to time.

We back up your DNA profile information onto confidential external drives and create a hard copy of this profile information that we keep in your case file for the length of time you specify.

DNA Banking Services Offered

  • One-Year Profile/Sample Storage
  • Five-Year Profile/Sample Storage
  • Ten-Year Profile/Sample Storage
  • Indefinite Profile/Sample Storage

Send Us a Message

Drop us a line to discuss your DNA testing needs – we’re committed to delivering top-notch service.


Infidelity testing is the process of testing garments and other materials for the presence of semen or other biological fluids that, if positive, can support a claim that a partner has been unfaithful. Because DNA REFERENCE LAB INC is ASCLD-LAB International accredited, our infidelity testing can either be performed for legal purposes requiring all relevant chain of custody information or for peace of mind, where there is a minimal chain of custody required.

Testing Process

Our infidelity testing process involves four steps:

The first step, screening, is performed on the item(s) using a highly sensitive blue light source capable of revealing hidden stains such as semen.

The second step, presumptive testing, begins on the stains in question. A small sample of the stain is screened to determine if the stain could contain a particular biological fluid using chemical indicator.

The third step, confirmatory testing, involves more powerful chemical indicators or microscopic testing and allows a small sample of the stain to be thoroughly examined for the presence of that particular biological fluid or the presence of sperm in the case of semen screening. This test will also allow us to detect the presence of a bacterial or yeast infection that can mask itself as a potential semen stain.

The fourth step is DNA analysis. If positive for semen, blood, saliva, etc., the client may submit a sample of their own DNA for comparisons against the questioned stain to rule out the possibility of the stain belonging to them. Any personal effects or items containing DNA from individuals in question may be submitted for comparison to the questioned stain, but understand that even in a legal case, a court-ordered reference sample is required from an individual in order to legally bind them to the evidence if we can not exclude them.

When Submitting a Non-legal Sample:
  • Please collect the sample using gloves, place it in a paper bag or envelope, seal the container, and bring the item into the lab.
When Submitting a Legal Sample:
  • Photograph the evidence before handling the item. Place a ruler or a coin next to the item before photographing so there is a frame for size referencing.
  • Use gloves to pick up the item. Otherwise, your DNA can easily be transferred to the item.
  • Package the item in a paper bag or envelope. Plastic bags induce mold, especially in the heat.
  • Seal the bag or envelope with packaging tape, signing across the tape with your initials and the date.
  • Note the time, date, and location where the collection was made.
  • Bring the sample to the lab and fill out our chain of custody forms for legal delivery.


Call DNA REFERENCE LAB INC at either 210-692-3800 or 1-877-362-0362 to initiate the test. Alternatively, complete the coordination form below. DNA Reference Lab requires a deposit prior to any appointment or request for assistance with finding a physician in your area. The balance of the DNA testing should be paid before laboratory tests the DNA. Accounts must be paid in full before results can be released. Results will NOT be given over the phone in order to maintain the confidentiality of the testing.

Download Coordination Form


The DRL offers express/ stat services for its Paternity/Relationship Tests. We can process the case in 1-2 business days.


  • An additional fee is required.
  • Work will not begin until the final sample is received.
  • The final sample must be received by 10 AM in the laboratory for that day to be counted as a business day.

Send Us a Message

Drop us a line to discuss your DNA testing needs – we’re committed to delivering top-notch service.